Department of Sociology

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Research at the Chairs

Quantitative Research on Inequality and Families (Brüderl)

Our research focuses on the fields of “social inequalities“ and “private forms of life“. The data collection project on relationships and families (Pairfam) is located at our chair.

Computational Social Scienes (Schwemmer)

Research of our chair focuses on applying computational methods to interdisciplinary research in areas such as ethnic minority & gender studies, digital media, political communication, and social inequalities. We make use of innovative methods for natural language processing, image recognition, data mining, and social network analysis.

General Sociology and Theory of Society (Nassehi)

The empirical research of our chair combines theoretical, methodological and methodical aspects. Our objects of inquiry are diverse, and we employ qualitative methods, while keeping close contact with quantitative research.

Qualitative Social Research (von Unger)

Our research is focused on qualitative methods and methodological foundations such as the developement of participatory research methods and the significance of selfreflexivity and research ethics in empirical social sciences.

Sociology and Gender Studies (Villa)

The notion of gender encompasses gender differences in their social and material dimensions. Our chair focuses on research on their relevance for individuals, organizations and societies, and more precisely for employment, biopolitics, care, parenting, popular culture, and migration.

Open Access LMU

The following publications from the Institute of Sociology are available via LMU Open Access.

Content in German

Ulrich Beck Web Archive in the University Archive of the LMU Munich

Information on the life and work of Ulrich Beck, extracts from selected publications and insights into his latest cosmopolitan project can be found in the online archive.
