Department of Sociology

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Wintersemester 2018/2019

Analytical Sociology: Theory and Empirical Applications

Seminar in Cooperation with Venice International University
San Servolo, 12.-15. November 2018




Montag, 12. November

Katrin Auspurg, Josef Brüderl: Eröffnungsvortrag
"What We Don't Know Won't Hurt Us: The Illusion of Credible Sociology" (PDF, 1,8 MB)

Karl-Dieter Opp: Externalities, Social Networks and the Emergence of Norms (PDF, 316 KB)

Werner Raub: Strategic Tie Formation: Modeling the Formation and Effects of Long-term Exchange Relations (PDF, 451 KB)

Alexander W. Schmidt-Catran, Heiner Meulemann: The Secularization Theory – still going strong? (PDF, 1,1 MB)

Hartmut Esser, Kerstin Hoenig: „Ability-“ oder „Nobility Tracking“? Die theoretische und empirische Revision einer verbreiteten Auffassung über den Zusammenhang von Leistungsdifferenzierung, Leistungsgerechtigkeit, Leistungsniveau und sozialer Bildungsungleichheit (PDF, 922 KB)

Benita Combet, Martina Jakob: Educational decision-making in El Salvador. Application and extension of the Breen-Goldthorpe model

Martina Jakob, Christoph Kühnhanss, Daniel Steffen, Konstantin Büchel, Aymo Brunetti, Ben Jann:
Are Teachers and Learning Software. Complements or Substitutes? (PDF, 1,9 MB)

Annabell Daniel, Martin Neugebauer, Rainer Watermann: Consequences of University Dropout for Getting an Apprenticeship in Germany. A Factorial Survey Experiment (PDF, 3,6 MB)

Dienstag, 13. November

Malte Reichelt: Terrorist events, media coverage and their effects on labor market segregation in Germany

Thomas Hinz, Johannes Laufer, Sandra Walzenbach, Franziska Weeber: Räumliche Muster der fremdenfeindlichen Gewalt in Deutschland

Vincenz Frey, Arnout van de Rijt: Social Influence Undermines the Wisdom of the Crowd in Sequential Decision Making

Fabian Winter, Andreas Diekmann: Does Money Change Everything? Priming Experiments in Situations of Strategic Interaction

Sascha Grehl, Andreas Tutic: Situative Bedingungen der Prosozialität: Ein Laborexperiment

P Grech, HH Nax: Nash Equilibria of Dictator Games: A New Perspective

Ivo Windrich, Roger Berger: Fairness und strategisches Verhalten bei der Aufteilung von Verlusten

David Kretschmer: Das Zusammenspiel von Opportunitäten und Präferenzen bei der Entstehung von sozialer Segregation: Ein formales Lernmodell

Tomila Lankina, Alexander Libman: From Imperial Bourgeoisie to Intelligentsia: Pre-Revolutionary Estates, Modernization and Political Contestation in Soviet and Post-Soviet Russia

Mittwoch, 14. November

Christoph Bühler: Resource Defense Polygyny‘ and its Applicability to Human Marriage

Christiane Bozoyan, Claudia Schmiedeberg: Beziehungszufriedenheit und Untreue: Ein Zusammenhang, zwei Richtungen

Natascha Nisic: Outsourcing Domestic Labor – Less Work for ‘Mum’?

Luzia Weiss, Judith Kronschnabl, Thorsten Kneip, Michael Bergmann: Changes in body mass and cognitive performance – disentangling a seeming paradox

Monika Mühlböck, Fabian Kalleitner, Nadia Steiber, Bernhard Kittel: Raschere Arbeitsmarktintegration durch Information und Reflexion? Ein Feldexperiment auf Basis des ‚Nudge‘-Ansatzes

Stefanie Heyne: Arbeitsmarktbeteiligung und Arbeitsteilung von türkischen Migrantinnen im Generationenvergleich

Sabine Düval, Katrin Auspurg: Gender Ideologies or Simply a Measurement of Respondents‘ Beliefs About Inequalities?

Christian Hunkler, Roberto M. Fernandez: Whose Closure? Gender Inequality and Access to Skill Training

Tobias Wiß, Valeria Bordone, Gerrit Bauer: How the grandparent role matters for party preferences

Axel Franzen und Sebastian Mader: Pay if you like: Warum gibt es selbstbediente Verkaufsstände?

Donnerstag, 15.November

Henriette Engelhardt, Florian Schulz, and Ansgar Hudde: Work-life interface and alcohol consumption: A multilevel analysis of the European Social Survey.

Katharina Kilburger, Karin Kurz, Jörg Hartmann: Städtische Grünflächen und gesundheitliche Ungleichheit

Max Schaub, Johanna Gereke, Delia Baldassarri: Altruism, trust and right-wing support in the presence of newcomers: Eastern Germany after the refugee crisis

Amelie Aidenberger, Heiko Rauhut, Fabian Winter, Nan Zhang: Prosocial behaviour in interethnic encounters: Evidence from the field



Montag, 12. November

Jan Gniza, Martin Abraham:  A factorial survey on justice and regional inequality – how would the public redistribute?

Judith Lehmann: Die Messung von Übergewicht in der sozialen Ungleichheitsforschung

Laura Isabel Schoger: Stress level along professional groups and educational indicators

Christoph Müller: Technologischer Wandel, arbeitsweltliche Anforderungsprofile und IKT-Kompetenzen – Schichtspezifische Determinanten des Weiterbildungsverhaltens

Laura Zapfe, Lea Goldan: Gender-specific earning inequalities in high-income graduate groups. An analysis of the gender wage gap among STEM-graduates and doctoral degree holders in Germany

Sebastian Bähr, Georg-Christoph Haas, Florian Keusch, Frauke Kreuter, Mark Trappmann: Marienthal 2.0: die Erforschung der subtilen Wirkungen von Arbeitslosigkeit mittels Smartphones

Michael Otto, Andreas Damelang: The social aspects of technological change - automation and individual unemployment risk

Paul C. Bauer: Visualizing causal scenarios and planned|realized measurements [interactively]

Sabine Neuhofer: Let’s talk about needs: A laboratory experiment on social distance and distributive justice

Nico Sonntag: Monastic Competition in the Middle Ages

Laura Eras: Interethnic relations in Ukraine, 1995-2017

Ansgar Hudde, Carmen Friedrich: Having Power, Having Babies? Fertility Patterns among German Elite Politicians

Christoph Kühnhanss: Mobilisierung von Gender- und Umweltbewusstsein in Schulen von El Salvador




Dienstag, 13. November

Sebastian Lang: Stigma-consciousness of the unemployed: A matter of neighborhood?

Sebastian Mader, Fabienne Wöhner: Plant trees for the planet: Forests as climate solution and avenues ahead

Justus Rathmann, Heiko Rauhut: Teams Prevent Misconduct: Author group sizes and retractions of Web of Science articles

Tobias Rüttenauer: The More, the Better? A Systematic Comparison of Spatial Regression Models Using Monte Carlo Experiments

Marcel Sarközi, Stephan Poppe: An Experiment on the Effects of Anonymous Social Feedback on Private Opinions

Matthias Collischon, Andreas Eberl, Kerstin Jahn: The effect of career disruptions and uncertainty on life satisfaction. Evidence from the abolishment of compulsory services in Germany

Sara Möser, David Glauser, Rolf Becker: Valuation of Apprenticeship and Job Attributes - Results from two Discrete Choice Experiments

Andreas Schneck: How bad is it really? – A systematic study of publication bias and statistical
power in Psychology

Nan Zhang (with Johanna Gereke, Max Schaub, Delia Baldassarri): Individual and Group Status as Drivers of Everyday Ethnic Discrimination

Fabian Thiel, Sabine Düval, Katrin Auspurg: Different Design, Different Public Support for City Tolls? How the Way to Present Information Impacts Results of Multifactorial Survey Experiments

Martina Kroher: Sources and prevention of cheating: social learning vs. social control

Franziska Wittgrebe: Der Kauf fair gehandelter Produkte als Signal für prosoziales Verhalten – ein Laborexperiment
