During my exchange semester at LMU
Where and when will the welcome events for exchange students take place?
- The International Office will invite all international exchange students to an official welcome meeting.
- Furthermore, there will be a welcome session at the Department of Sociology where exchange students will receive information relevant for their stay at our department and where they will be able to meet fellow international and LMU students.
- Both events will take place in the first days of October for the winter semester and in the first days of April for the summer semester and you will receive official e-mail invitations for both events.
Can I extend my exchange at LMU?
- An extension is often possible. Send an e-mail to both Departmental Coordinators (LMU + your home university) and ask whether an extension can be accepted. Both coordinators have to give a written consent by e-mail. These consents have to be sent to the International Office of LMU (erasmus-incoming@lmu.de for Erasmus+ students, lmuexchange-incoming@lmu.de for LMUexchange students).
- Note that you must update and validate your During Mobility Learning Agreement if you extend your stay.
How to translate my LMU grades?
- Your preformance in Sociology courses is marked from 1 to 5, with the best grade being 1 and 5 indicating failure.
- In order to get a more differentiated evaluation, each grade can be raised and lowered by 0.3 and 0.4, respectively.
- In tutorials and seminars the overall course grade will be calculated from the arithmetic mean of the partial course performances (e.g. presentation and term paper).
- Contact your home university for information about the grade calculator applied to convert your grades.
How will I get my transcript of records?
- Once you have completed your study programme at LMU, you will be able to obtain your transcript of records in which your LMU courses, grades and ECTS credits will be listed.
- Transcripts are not issued automatically. You are responsible for initiating the transcript process yourself.
- This LSF website will lead you through the steps you need to take.
- In September and March respectively, you should have received most of your course grades.
- Regularly check on LSF to see if all grades have been inserted in LSF.
- It is helpful for your own orientation to find out about the grading period for each course you take.
- Lecturers will normally inform you in the first course session so you will be able to foresee the estimated time when you can download your transcript.
Who signs my confirmation of ERASMUS+ Study Period?
The confirmation is signed by the team of the International Office (not by the Departmental Erasmus Coordinator).